
Tiny Insults

Have you ever heard the term micro aggression?   Me neither.  Not until recently, reading an article in the Atlantic.  

Here’s the definition:
The everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership.
This is a real thing.  I just can’t believe that we are giving people more ways to identity themselves as victims.

The article mentions college students (and their parents) questioning assigned readings because they find the material offensive or uncomfortable.  That includes any material that depicts violence or misogyny.  Law students don’t want rape law taught or even have the word ‘violate’ used in a classroom setting.

These are the leaders and thinkers of tomorrow?   Are you shitting me?

All these iPhones, Costcos, McMansions and no foam soy chai macchiatos have us thinking that we have the right to never be offended, that we have to agree with everything that crosses our paths.


Education isn't about agreement, it's about exposure - to different ideas and points of view, so you can go out into the world with more than just a map of your own asshole. 

If you are going to survive life, you’ve got to be made of sterner stuff.    If you hope to achieve any form of success, then you’ve got to be even tougher.  Something happens you don't particularly like or agree with? Tough tits. 

Grow the fuck up.