
Weird & Inappropriate Is My Favorite

"I'm totally weird and totally honest and I'm totally inappropriate sometimes, and the thing is for me not to say I'm not a genius I'd be lying to you and to myself.” - Kanye West on Jimmy Kimmel

I love this statement.  I must have read it a dozen times. It’s impressive - he knows himself.   How liberating that must be – to know who you are - and be seemingly alright with it.

My favorite part was: “…for me not to say I'm not a genius I'd be lying to you and to myself.” 

I don’t know if Kanye West is a genius.  I like some of his music, but I wouldn’t be willing to stand in any type of line to get tickets to one of his shows.  What I do find enthralling are people that are confident in who they are – no matter who that is.  It’s inspiring. It’s enchanting. 

This dude has a hard core belief in himself and his talent.  I imagine that the energy he gives off must be electric.   I’m thinking it was there before he made a record, before he was writing songs for Roc-A-Fella.  He knew he had something to offer to the world.  

This cannot be bought.  

It’s an inside job.

Why am I going on about this? Because, while I’ve never actually called myself a genius (out loud), I know that “I’m totally weird and totally honest and I’m totally inappropriate sometimes…” 

I’m OK with it. 

If you think about it...really think about it, life is too short to not be just fine with who you are - who you REALLY are inside.  Don't just be OK with it, be fucking daring with it. Flaunt it, be audacious, be outrageous...be yourself.  

Anybody don't like it?  Tough titties. 

Happy Friday.  See you on Monday.