
Vaccine for the Cyrus Virus

You know, this Miley/Sinead “feud” is half hilarious/half sad.

It’s an old argument that has played out since the dawn of time.  If you've made it to 30 (or better), then you have some perspective on 20; no one could tell you anything.  I know was sure that I had it all figured out. 

An older woman is trying to share some wisdom with a young woman.  She’s had her own share of trials and tribulations and has the desire to help someone else.  She should have tried to get Miley on the phone, instead of doing an open letter – people don’t like to be told about themselves anyway, let alone in public.

Miley reacted like most 20 year olds would, with the additional bonus of being a rich and famous 20 year old.  She basically said, fuck you, you old, crazy, washed-up bitch. I’d like to reply to your rants, but I’m headed out to host Saturday Night Live, so kiss my ass.

Well, this is my open letter to Sinead:

Dear Sinead,

Fuck Miley Cyrus.   

She’s 20, just like you and I have been.  A hard head makes a soft ass.  She has to figure this out on her own and you telling her won’t make one bit of difference.   You attempted to reach out as a wise woman (I’m trying to give you then benefit of the doubt here…between the two of you, Miley is the more famous one, at the moment, attacking her gives you a nice charge of publicity, doesn't it?). She rejected your words of wisdom.   What else are you going to do?   Just let it drop. Don’t speak another word to the media about it.   
You've got your own shit to worry about; you’re a mother of 4 – your time is better spent on other pursuits.   

The feelings you feel at 20, they always feel permanent. I’m sure her fame feels permanent too - but you were on Saturday Night Live about 20 or so years ago…and who knows where this kid will be in 20 years.  Maybe she'll be writing her own rant letter to a young tartlet asking her to think about her actions.  You just don’t know.

My bottom line is really my opening: fuck her. 

Mind your own business and take care of yourself.

Hope all is well.

Always a fan,
