

These past 2 weekends I've been participating in classes in storytelling/film making.  It’s been such a wonderful experience and has confirmed for me how much I want to tell my stories.  That’s my dream.

Hopefully, you have a dream too - something that you want to do more than anything on this earth.  The thing you know you were born to do.

I hope you can find a way to move towards it – if you’re not doing it already.  This is important.  Why?  Because if you aren't, then your soul is slowly dying.  You can feel it – that gnawing sense of dissatisfaction that you can’t seem to shake.  When I’m doing my thing – especially writing – it quiets that feeling and bolsters me for the things that are not so exciting.

It’s important because you only get this one life.  That’s it.  That’s all.  You don’t know how much time you have left.  If you’re not actively pursuing what you’re meant to do you’re WASTING TIME.  Yes – wasting time.  It’s that mercenary.  That’s not me; that’s life.  There are no do overs.

The trick is, we’re going to have to be courageous and go for it.  Why does it take courage? Because the thing we want the most is usually the thing that scares the holy living shit out of you. 

I’m scared too.  It crazy to realize you’re a writer at 35. It’s crazy to become a filmmaker at 38.

It’s the feeling that I can’t shake.  It feels like a weight around my neck that’s getting heavier and heavier.  I tried to ignore it.  I got depressed.  Only when I’m in the throes of storytelling, do I feel a peace that cannot be gained anywhere else. 

Not through yoga, not when I get a bonus, not when I've had a good stiff drink.  It’s only right when I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing.

You need courage because not everyone in your life will understand.  They won’t or they can.  You want to be a lawyer or a doctor? That they get.  You want to become an artist or quit your job and travel?  That they don’t get. They’ll deride your hopes.  

They want you to stay on the island with them. 

What if you make it?  What if it works?

Then they will have no excuse.