
If I Scratch My Head Any Harder...I Might Make A Hole

Back story:  My daughter hurt her knee.  She was in enough pain to warrant using my knee brace.  She asked me, begged really, to write her a note for P.E., so she wouldn’t have to run.  I agreed and wrote the note.  I also should share that I’ve been experiencing some issues with focus.  I kept ending up down the rabbit hole, damn emails, web news and the like.  I really, really, really had to keep bringing myself back to writing this damn note - like steering a semi without power steering.  Anyway, I completed my task and left the note on the kitchen table.   

Fast forward to the next day, the next evening really.  I call home every night just to let Ray know I’m getting on my bus.  Lorren picks up the phone:

Me: Hey Baby!

Lorren: Hi Mom, how was your day?

Me:  It was OK.  I’m on the bus.  Tell Daddy, OK?

Lorren: OK. I will.

Me:  How was your day?  How was gym?  Did your teacher let you sit it out?

Lorren: Um no, well. I didn't have to do anything.

Me: So, the note was OK?

Lorren: I didn't have the note.

Me: What do you mean? I left it for you on the kitchen table.

Lorren: I know, but I couldn't find it by the time I got to gym.

(Gym is her last period).

Me:  The teacher let you sit out, without a note?

Lorren:  She said I could bring her a note tomorrow.

Holy shit.  I have to write another note!?!?

Later that same night. I tell Ray this story.  He saw her put the note in her pocket.